Open Conference Systems, The 2nd International Conference on Public Health (ICPH) 2020

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Differences in Students' Knowledge Levels Against Fibroadenoma Mammae Before And After The Provision Of Breast Self-Examination Intervention In Sma Pgri 2 Palembang
Resy Asmalia, Asmarani Ma’mun, Assyifa Salsabila

Last modified: 2020-12-19


Fibroadenoma mammae disease is a benign tumor that grows expansively by
pressing on the surrounding area and can enlarged due to pressures of environment and location where it occupies and it can cause serious problems and complaints from the sufferers. Therefore, every woman must be aware of any changes occurs in their breasts, one of much easier and more effective way to detect breast abnormalities by themselves is recognized as breast self-examination (SADARI). This study is aimed to identify the differences between
knowledge level of female students at SMA PGRI 2 Palembang toward Fibroadenoma Mammae before and after conducting breast self-examination (SADARI) behavioral intervention. This study is a quasi experimental research through pre test and post test time series design using primary data taken from class XII science students at SMA PGRI 2 Palembang with total samples as much as 86 samples that comply with the inclusive and exclusive criteria. The samples were collected by using total sampling technique. Data obtained through filling out the questionnaire by all respondents before (pretest) and after (posttest)
counseling was given. Data was analyzed through univariate and bivariate. The results of statistical test was taken by using Marginal homogeneity test showed that there was a meaningful difference between knowledge level of female students at SMA PGRI 2 Palembang toward fibroadenoma mammae before and after conducting breast self-examination (SADARI) behavioral intervention with p-value 0,000 (< 0,05). It can be concluded that there is a meaningful difference between knowledge level of female students at SMA PGRI 2 Palembang toward fibroadenoma mammae before and after conducting breast self-examination (SADARI) behavioral intervention

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